Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Agrimonia eupatoria is an herbaceous member of the rose family with a slender spike of yellow, sweetly scented flowers...
Aloe Vera Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
This product contains Aloe (Aloe barbadensis).
American White Ginseng Root Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Characterized as yin, which is cooling, soothing and restoring. Thus, it is traditionally believed to be ideal for...
Amla Berry Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
Amla Berry has a brown color with an characteristic aroma and slight bitter flavor.
Angelica Root
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Angelica root is an herb native to eastern North America that has a variety of wonderful uses. The...
Anise Star
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Anise Star, which is also known as Chinese anise and Illicium verum, is an extremely popular spice for...
Arnica Flowers
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce It is traditional to pick arnica flowers at the summer solstice, also known as Midsummer’s Day, which is...
Astragulus Root
Astragalus has a strong history in traditional Chinese medicine. This sweet and nourishing herb is a natural way to boost your body's defenses.*
Barberry Root
Native to parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia, Berberis vulgaris is a small shrub with tart, edible berries, and thorny branches. The root of barberry contains berberine, a bright yellow plant constituent thought to...
Bitter Melon Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
As its name describes, Bitter Melon is un-ripened, bitter fruit.
Black Cohosh
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Black cohosh root, or cimicfuga racemosa, is actually an "herb" in the true sense: a perennial growing above...
Black Pepper Whole
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce The dried fruit of black pepper (also known as Piper nigrum) is made from the plant’s unripened green...
Black Seed Loose Nigella Seed
Also known as black cumin and kalonji, Nigella seeds have a rich aroma, delicious crunch, and notes of onion, oregano, and black pepper. Nigella seed benefits include providing whole body...
Black Walnut Hull
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce You may have eaten ground walnut in desserts or in savory dishes such as pesto (it is a...
Blue Vervain
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Verbena hastata is a member of the vervain family with small, blueish-purple flowers that bloom in summer. Found across...
Calendula Flowers
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Infuse whole orange marigold calendula flowerheads in oil using, if possible, the simpler’s method (solar-infused for several weeks)...
California Poppy Herb
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce California Poppy Herb, or Eschscholzia californica, consists of the parts of the plant that grow above the ground,...
Cayenne Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Cayenne peppers are the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, and they are widely used in many...
Chamomile Flowers
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Use to make infused oils for salves, lotions, lip balms and other cosmetics. Looks pretty in floral displays....
Chia Seed
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Chia Seed, also known as Salvia hispanica seed is a member of the Mint family, however it was not...
Cloves Whole Organic
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Clove is a spice obtained from the calyx of the undeveloped blossoms of a species of myrtle tree indigenous...
Damiana Leaf
Turnera diffusa is a woody shrub with small green leaves and aromatic, yellow flowers. Its range extends from Southern Texas to South America and east to the Caribbean. Our organic damiana leaf is...
Dandelion Leaf
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Taraxacum officinale has a long history of use worldwide as an edible food and restorative tonic. Dandelion leaves can be eaten...
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Elderberry juice and infusions are used topically to counter minor skin irritations. Used to make pie, jam, tea,...
Eucalyptus Leaf
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce If your parents treated your cold with Vick's Vaporub when you were a child, you know the powerful...
Fennel Seed
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Sometimes used to add flavor to natural tooth powders and toothpaste. Use to season soups, stews and casseroles....
Fenugreek Seed
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Use "neat" in poultices or infuse in oil for use in toiletries and cosmetics. Add to curries, stews,...
Feverfew Herb
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Tanacetum parthenium is an herbaceous perennial in the daisy family with small white flowers and pinnate leaves. Feverfew is native to...
Flax Seed
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Add to smoothies and cooked cereals and baked goods. Ground flax seed can also be combined with other...
Frankincense Tears
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Probably best known because of the Nativity story, Frankincense - derived from the resin of a tree called...
Garlic Granules
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
Use in place of fresh garlic in cooked foods, salad dressings and culinary oils and vinegars.
Ginger Root Cut and Sifted Organic
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Infuse in oil or tincture for use in topical salves, balms, ointments and liniments. Use to add warm,...
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Gymnema sylvestre is a woody vine that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India. This perennial has...
Sold Out
Hibiscus, the main ingredient in this tasty tea blend, is also known as red sorrel. It thrives in tropical and subtropical regions such as China, Egypt, Thailand, Africa, Mexico, and...
Himalayan Salt
This salt is found near the Himalayan foothills in Pakistan and is hand-mined from ancient sea salt deposits. It is minimally processed so it’s free of additives and thought to...
Holy Basil (Rama) Herb
1 lb of Organic Holy Basil Leaf Cut and Sifted (C/S) - Rama. While related to the more well-known Ocimum basilicum, the basil used in cooking, Holy Basil is a medicinal herb used...
Hops Flower
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce The herbaceous perennial Humulus lupulus is a climbing plant native to Europe, western Asia, and North America. It has distinctive...
Jasmine Flowers
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Use to make infusions to produce floral water (hydrosols) for soap, shampoo, lotions and other products for hair...
Kelp Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounceKelp, or seaweed, which naturally grows along shallow coastlines around the world, can be cultivated and used as an...
Ladys Mantle
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
Botanical Name: Alchemilla vulgaris
Origin: Croatia
1 lb of Organic Lady's Mantle Herb Cut and Sifted
Lavender Flower
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Use to make floral water, facial toners, soap, shampoo, lotions, creams and other personal care products. Lavender flowers...
Lemongrass/ Oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Use lemongrass infusions in homemade soaps, lotions and other personal care products. Add to tea and coffee blends....
Licorice Root
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Licorice root has been used by various cultures for thousands of years. Pieces of the root were discovered in...
Lovage Root/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Levisticum officinale is a perennial member of the Apiaceae family with aromatics resembling strong celery. Lovage has a long history of...
Maca Powder/ Oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Our maca powder is ground from the roots of Lepidium meyenii, a plant native to the high-altitude peaks of Peru’s Andes...
Marshmallow Root
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce The roots of the plant have long been harvested as a vegetable and were well known to the...
Moringa Leaf
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Did you know that Moringa is one of nature’s most nutritious foods. Its leaves are an excellent source...
Motherwort /oz
A member of the mint family, Leonurus cardiaca is an herbaceous perennial native to central Asia and southeast Europe. Now naturalized around the world, motherwort is loved for its calming properties and energetics relating...
Mugwort Herb
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce For millennia, mugwort has been a source for flavoring beverages and food and has also been used for its beneficial...
Mullein Leaf and Flowers
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Verbascum thapsus is a fuzzy-leaved, herbaceous biennial in the Scrophulariaceae family. In its second year of growth, a flower...
Nettle Leaf
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Nettle thrives in woodlands and shady areas throughout Europe and eastern North America. It is also called stinging nettle...
Avena sativa, or common oat, is anything but common. While its mature seeds become the oats you get in the supermarket, oatstraw comes from the stems and leaves, which are...
Orange Peel /oz
Utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, dried Citrus x sinensis peel has often been added to comprehensive, multi-herbal formulations, while also being used on its own. Dried orange peel has a...
Sold Out
Passion Flower
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
Botanical Name: Passiflora incarnata
Origin: Italy
1 lb of Organic Passion Flower Leaf Powder
Pau D Arco Bark/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Tabebuia impetiginosa is a towering deciduous tree native to tropical regions of the Americas. Pau d’arco is used for...
Raspberry Leaf
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Latin Name: Rubus idaeusCommon Names: Raspberry LeafStarwest Botanicals is happy to offer you the highest quality Raspberry Leaf as part...
Red Clover/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Trifolium pratense is a member of the pea family with alternate, three lobed leaves and dark pink, densely packed...
Rhodiola/ Oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Rhodiola rosea is one of 90 rhodiola species and has been utilized for thousands of years throughout Europe and...
Rose buds & Petals
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Roses are one of the hundreds of perennial shrubs in the Rosacae family. Most rose species are native...
Rosehips whole/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
1 lb of Organic Rosehips Whole
Rosemary leaf/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Rosemary is a member of the mint family as much at home growing near the forest or sea as...
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Native to the Mediterranean, Ruta graveolens can now be found growing in gardens around the world. Rue is a hardy evergreen that...
Sage leaf/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Most of us think of sage as the “Thanksgiving herb” because it is featured in just about every...
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
Botanical Name: Scutellaria lateriflora
Origin: United States
1 lb of Organic Skullcap Herb
Slippery Elm Bark Powder
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Slippery Elm bark is a gentle, subtly maple-flavored herb derived from the inner part of the elm bark....
St Johns Wort Herb
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce This sunny yellow flower is considered a weed, yet it’s prized throughout the world for its herbal medicinal...
Thyme Leaf/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Thyme is a Mediterranean herb in the mint family that belongs in every kitchen cupboard and home apothecary. The...
Turmeric Root/ Oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce A key ingredient in many Indian and Asian dishes, turmeric root imparts an earthy, slightly bitter flavor to...
Sold Out
Valerian Root/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Valerian root is a trailing plant with delicate, aromatic flowers and feathery foliage. The root of the plant is...
Sold Out
White Willow Bark
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
1 lb of Organic White Willow Bark C/S
Wild Lettuce/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Lactuca virosa is the tall, wild cousin of the common lettuce with bright yellow flowers, serrated leaves, and a...
Wild Yam Root
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce Native to eastern North America, wild yam habitat spans from the southern Provence of Ontario, Canada to Florida...
Wormwood/ Oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce An aromatic and bitter herb, wormwood was once sought after as an ingredient for brewing beer before hops eventually replaced...
Yarrow Flower
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
1 lb of Organic Yarrow Flower Cut and Sifted (C/S)
Yellow mustard seed/oz
Each herb pack added to the cart will be of 1 ounce
1 lb of Organic Yellow Mustard Seed